Progressive Enhancement and what that means for JavaScript
Taking a neutral look at whether or not a Progressively Enhanced approach to JavaScript makes sense for all Websites?
Assortment aims to provide detailed tutorials (and more) for developers of all skill levels within the Web Development Industry. Attempting to cut out the fluff and arm you with the facts.
Taking a neutral look at whether or not a Progressively Enhanced approach to JavaScript makes sense for all Websites?
How you can secure your website with an SSL certificate using the latest Open Certificate Authority, Let’s Encrypt.
Everyone loves a redirect, they're the glue that holds a redesign together and the main reason your client's keep phoning you up. Here's a good chunk of them to use on your website.
A practical account on how we can utilise WordPress hooks within our theme and plugin development.
In a world where there are more tools than there are developers, how can we take back control of our projects to ensure maintainability for the future?
You know those little hash links at the side of each heading on every blog post here at Assortment? This is how you can dynamically create them.
A step-by-step guide on how you can start to enhance your WordPress dashboard with bespoke widgets.
A quick look at some of the new features from the CSS Grid Specification Level 1 and what they mean for the future of our CSS layouts.
Looking into how we can utilise Capistrano 3 as a basic deployment workflow for any and all projects.
Everyone has there own little list of snippets for their favourite Text Editors. Here's my most useful ones for Sublime Text 3.
By using Gulp as a build tool and providing fallbacks for older browsers.